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The Globe Theatre (OOC)

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[24 04 @ 9p]

I haven't been active here in a long time so I think it's time I take my leave. Thanks for playing with me <3 ( Brady-s if you see this, contact me <3 ).

[19 11 @ 6a]

Really sorry all -- Work has exploded at the same time as end of school term stuff is upon me. I could have handled one or the other and still been around, but when it rains it pours.

I will be away for a couple of days. I know there was stuff happening around Phoebe's birthday, but I am swamped and have been trying and failing to find time for the last week or so to get online. I assume Phoebe did stuff on her actual birthday of Nov 13/14 with Alessandro, visited family, and then pouted for a few days because nothing big happened. And then I think Mia is throwing her a party this weekend. If I can carve out a bit of time, I will try to get on AIM and chat about it, but I'm not sure if I will be able to.

Please comment here with any questions and I will do my best to answer. Sorry, sorry, <3333

[13 10 @ 8p]

Anyone want to thread? I'm on aim at melissagraham15 if you want to do aim. Anyone want to play with Melissa though?

ADD | REMOVE 04.06.15 [04 06 @ 10p]

Please welcome back:
Savannah Norman
aim @ SavannahBoBanana

Please remove:

Don't forget to run


[26 05 @ 1p]

This is the official OOC post for Sin’s birthday party. Use it how you will.

The party was invite only either through an actual invitation or a direct 'hey you should come' from Sin to prevent drama and fighting. Invites were dropped into IC posts a while back, so if you never checked for them, might want to do it now so you know if your character was invited and if they had a plus one or not since a few had that tacked onto them.

While all three bedrooms upstairs are padlocked, the bathroom is open for whoever might need to use it. The only time one of them will be unlocked is when Sin will attempt to forcibly march #kittenfox, birdy, and chocolate up the stairs to see the coffin Li got her even if some of them already were texted a picture of it. At some point during the course of the night there will be a female-only Twister game. Dom drug his stereo system downstairs so there would be music and everyone got the do not touch this for any reason warning, probably twice, once from Dom and once from Sin. The things played might not be for everyone but it’s better than silence other than chatter.

There are, of course, booze and party favors for whoever wants them. Sin will be spending a very large portion of the party lit after 8:30ish with the excuse it’s her birthday and she can do whatever she pleases. Along with whatever potluck dishes anyone brought (comment with what if anything your character came with) burgers were on offer (vegan ones for the kitten that are labeled with a post-it and untouchable for anyone else by post-it law), a giant salad, and potato chips. There will be a small selection of non-alcoholic beverages (water/pop/juice) for those who aren’t drinking for whatever reason, though Sin is determined to get everyone to at least take a shot of jalapeno vodka that Mia is bringing.

There's not a set time the party ends so everyone can stay pretty much as long as they wish.

This post may be edited for details.

[24 05 @ 3p]

Hi guys. Sorry I went AWOL. I got a new job and it's been kicking my ass since I started in early May. I haven't really sat down in front of my personal computer since I started this job (and they monitor everything at work), and it's only going to get busier. I can't play in the game properly with so little time and without AIM on my phone. (Whyyyy don't they have a Canadian app? I can't find a way to make AIM work properly nor can I find an android app compatible with it to help me keep up with people and plots, so if anyone has any suggestions...)

Anyway, I really don't want to leave the game because I love it, I love my characters, and I love my lines with all the other awesome players here. Plus, this is a temporary job only until mid-August. Buuuut I can't imagine a way for me to be more active in game for the next couple months.

So, I'm not sure what to do here. Any thoughts? Hiatus? Suck it up and say goodbye? Mysterious time travel device?

Also, please feel free to comment here if you need anything (general info, an explanation for my absence, an update on any of the scenes I've left hanging) regarding lines with any of mine:

Felix Ashbury (here)
KeAshbury (kenjitheboss)
Phoebe Moore (phoebemoore)

Again, sorry guys. Sigh life!!

[09 03 @ 6p]


So I said this to Mia's player already, but just in case... I don't know if it's necessary for me to even bring it up, but I'm still adjusting to this game that has less OOC interaction than I'm used to, so I figured eh, I'll just throw up a quick post to be on the safe side.

Since Felix has been causing some drama and anger today, I wanted to be clear that I know IC =/= OOC. That is, IC Felix has had a pretty shit day (not ALL shit though, ♥ ♥), but OOC I have been enjoying the drama and of course am not taking personal offence at characters giving her shit! Bring it on.

So. That's all! :)

[22 02 @ 3p]

Eep, big apologies. I've had a situation blow up at work and it is sapping all of my energy, creative and otherwise. I can barely even think about anything else because I am so hugely stressed right now, which makes it hard to play. It's been ongoing for about a week now, which is why I've been so scarce, but it doesn't appear to be blowing over, so I may continue to be scarce for a while.

Sorry especially for leaving Trandon and Fay hanging in a couple of threads. I will get to it when I can, but honestly, I just feel a bit like I'm drowning in stress right now so it might take me a bit to climb out of this stupid, annoying, FML work situation.

Let's just say Felix has had a bit of a shitty run in with her father, and spiraled into a bit of a party-fuelled avoidance of reality as she sometimes does and spent all of her money on booze and drugs, woo hoo. So she's kind of disappeared because her phone got cut off. Any characters big into the alternative party scene, regulars at The Worlds End Pub in Camden where she works, or people she's normally/sometimes in touch with via text/chat (e.g., Fay, Tran, Thomas, Esme, Sin, Jayne, whoever) can feel free to notice she's disappeared and/or gone a bit wild, if you want.

Felix will be back as soon as I can get my shit together! <333

[13 01 @ 7p]

Hey guys. I know I've been missing for the better part of 2 months now and there's a really good explanation for that which I know a couple of you know for reasons that I took a hiatus a hiatus for. My only living aunt has pancreatic cancer and I'm going to be losing her any day now, not going to lie. But it got me down so bad that I couldn't write, I couldn't really do all of the normal things that always made me happy. After spending the time to think about things, and trying to get back into writing, here I am. And I'm back! :) Connie's back too. I will now go ahead and pimp for lines in the lines community. If you need to get a hole of me, either Connie or Blair's OOC posts of Connie's aim which is ConArtistDylan.

ooc plotting: carlisle/calder stag & hen do [21 12 @ 10p]

Since I have been feeling like shit all day and Adele-S is not well, this is going to be a little light on coding and such. If you're staying at Addington Palace with the bridal party, then you're already there! There will be burlesque dancers and lots of music. Expect to be shocked and amazed that Gran Carlisle gets her groove thing on.

Plot away. Ned is sick as a dog having eaten something that doesn't agree with him but he will be there because his almost wife is supposed to putting on a show for him.

[27 10 @ 6p]

Hey guys!

I'm taking a bit of a vacation this week for Halloween. Going to New York tomorrow over night and then I'm off to Boston for Salem for the actual thing. I'm going to bring my tablet and I can get online, so I'll be around. However it might not be until night time that I get to actually respond to things. I'll be a bit slow, but feel free to email me if you need to get in touch.

[25 10 @ 10p]

I am embarrass to admit this but, why not be honest? I feel into a little money trouble got behind on my internet bill and they cut me off . I got everything straighten out now. If I am still wanted I am here, but if not because I been in active then I understand.

[09 10 @ 2p]

For anyone wondering wtf happened to me and my kids, I FINALLY got a new laptop. It's not the best but it's brand new and I can make payments on it so woohoo! Sin and Von can officially be back and in chat and active. Trying to do all of this from a Kindle was ridiculous and overly frustrating in the meantime, hence the lack of most activity. Okay, carry on with your day.

moving [18 08 @ 10p]

I'm moving on Thursday.

to be fair, I've been in the process of moving at varying stages, for 2 weeks now, but THE MOVE is happening on Thursday. I'll be online fairly quickly in terms of connection, but in terms of time....give me a few days :)

I'm back! [02 08 @ 5p]

I have finally relocated, unpacked (mostly), and gotten my own internet setup. They apparently only do these things like twice a week and I was told I was lucky at how 'quickly' they could even fit me in. Ugh, Charter. But woo for being back and being able to jump back into things. So Sin and Von will be around again.

PS) Random- whoever voted for school uniforms starting at preschool age is a twat.
PPS) Medical cards are no good out of state. No one ever tells you this in advance, only when you're having to shell out a ton of cash for immunizations because the new state houses the CDC and requires more shots and some redone because they were (gasp! the horror!) a whopping ten days early. Okay I'm done now.

[01 08 @ 12a]

Just an FYI - my friend is in town for a week and I'll be checking the comms periodically and probably commenting some, but I probably won't be in chat or very active. Jayne's on holiday for 3 weeks.

Moving [23 07 @ 4p]

TL;DR, I will be gone for a few days coming up. )

I will for sure be around tonight and at CoH tomorrow night. Everyone should come and give Von tough competition and call it my bday celebration.

[02 07 @ 12p]

I feel like an jerk for doing this but I have to step away from role playing. Personal problems between me and the wife has caused me to give up on role playing altogether. Lark and Zia mum you two are great writers and I am sorry to have to bail on you to. I will always be thankful for your time and I hope you two can forgive me. To the mods. Thank you for allowing me to Join your group.

a rare hiatus [20 06 @ 12a]

I am heading on a cruise for a sorely needed rest until Monday and will have little to no access to the internet, so Ned, Karyn, Tanith and Zia will be quiet and under the radar until Monday night.

[17 06 @ 8p]

Apologies for being so quiet recently, my brother is getting married this weekend and the entire thing is a Production. And I'm a bridesmaid. It will most likely be beautiful and drama-filled.

I should hopefully be back once it is over.

[17 06 @ 12p]

I've been really struggling with something going on in my life these last few weeks and, while things are getting better, I won't have much time on the computer for the next week. Things should be back to normal by the weekend, but I wanted to let everyone know that I won't be on much at all until then. Sorry, guys. But thank you for understanding. <3

[14 06 @ 10a]

Sorry I am late posting the contest. I had computer issues and haven't able to do much. I hope that anyone who was wanting to send their character can still do so. Also I am willing to come up with other ways to give characters a reason to fly out to the matches. Friends that Seigo is flying in, people who is working for his foundation or brought discounted packages from his foundation, or whatever we can come up with. If enough people are interested maybe we can get some threads going from Brazil. Once again sorry for my tardiness

[10 06 @ 5p]

What would you guys think if we had a local radio station or business ran a contest for World Cup tickets? Until we get some more footballers I wouldn't mind having a few people to hang around Brazil with. If the mods ok it I can set something up. Maybe the first person to answer a question right get four ticket airfare and hotel?

[06 06 @ 7p]
Guys I know it's a lot to ask but this guy is looking for options in ~pbads

I have been BEGGING for NSJ as one of Tani's brothers. If you have line for him or you really want the other guy he's asking for and you have lines for him, offer as well.

OOC Plotting for Sunday Dinner at Ned's (if you are one of the invited this week) [01 06 @ 5p]


Sunday Dinner at Ned & Adele-May's

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