The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

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[10 Jul 2015|09:55pm]
Hey guys! I'm so sorry I've been such a flake lately!!! Life has been eating me alive the past couple of weeks, but it's about to calm down a bit soon. I finally found out that I'll be having a little girl (she was so shy before, but during the last ultrasound she finally was a little more showy ;) ) and until the due date in mid September there's still a ton to be done (it's my first!). Buuuuut I'll be going on maternity leave in four weeks, which means I'll be around quite a bit more, at least until the little one is there. I'm pretty sure she'll keep me busy for a while hehe xD

Anyways! Gimme all your lines, please! I really want to get my ass back into gear! And pretty much all my kids (Gabe here, [info]anatolios, [info]suleika, [info]theentertainer, [info]cammibird, [info]hotbloodedfae, [info]faerieblood) need a whole lot of plot, so puhlease? *puppy eyes and grabby hands*
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