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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

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[16 Jul 2014|09:58am]
Ugh. I want to apologize for disappearing once again. The last time it was this long, it was due to the car accident. This time, its actually related to the car accident. Where I thought I was fine, I actually wasn't and was admitted for TOO GOD DAMN LONG. The doctor says he's never had a more stubborn patient and that "sucking it up" isn't the best thing for my health. I was released yesterday afternoon and am just trying to..get back into routine. I appreciate the emails I've received (you know who you are lol) and the concern. I even wrote on paper all the things I want to do, I was that bored to tears in hospital.

I'm alive, now. And I will be okay thanks to the awesome team in Seattle. I just don't ever want to see a needle near me again. Ever.

I'm back, showered, slept in my own bed, and things are good. My boss is amazing and gave me the rest of this week off to let me get back on my feet. So, as of right now, email is the best way to contact me ( I will try and respond to the best of my ability to those who have already emailed me. It was awesome to come home and see that I'm cared about. lol.

I missed you guys.
<3 Lisa
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[16 Jul 2014|09:25pm]
Hi guys! Just a head's up, a really bad storm hit my area and we heard we might not have power or water for the next few days. I'm here in my dad's office using his internet so I can post this. I'll keep you guys updated when I can!
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