The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[05 Feb 2014|05:55pm]
retroactive hiatus, sorry! I took a tumble last week, right at the front door. Didn't trip or break anything, just laid up stiff and sore for a few days, then now I've been fighting sinus migraines. Blah. :( Oncologist appointment tomorrow, so I'll be back either Friday or Monday to get caught up with things. When I get back, I'm going to be dropping Devi ([info]devidasi). I've been kicking it about awhile, and I've decided it's time for her to go. I'll see you guys soon, and I'm sorry for not letting you all know sooner!
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[ viewing | February 5th, 2014 ]
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