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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

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[01 Jan 2014|10:33pm]
Hey all!

This is Emily again, and I'm happy to introduce a second character, Lularraine, or Lulu for short (she goes by Lulu or, if you're really good friends with her, Raine, but she hates her full name, so not many people know it). She's a mermaid (IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, LUKE), she's 70 (so, relatively young) and she's "the warrior" premade, so she's a bad bitch and a tough piece of work. Lulu is a fighter, an explorer, and a shit-stirrer, and I imagine she would've been making regular visits to the surface for the past 15 years. I'd love her to have a bunch of friends, allies, enemies, rivals etc. within the town!

As for the mermaid clan, she's [info]beylynda's second youngest daughter, which makes her a high-born mermaid. She totally fails at controlling her empathy, though, so that's gonna be fun. Again, I'd love for her to have friends, bffs, playmates, enemies etc. there too.

ALSO her dad is supposed to be a fisherman and still alive and living in Fortunas somewhere and I'll be putting up a premade for him shortly, so if anyone wants to pick him up that would be awesome :D

ETA: Lulu also loves human slang, so I'd love for her to have some Lost/Imaginary/Townspeople friends to teach her new words for her to incorrectly use to expand her vocabulary.

and okay I'll stop rambling now. LINES. GIVE ME THEM.
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