The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[10 Dec 2013|05:57pm]
Hey guys. I'll have to take a hiatus/slowatus and I'm not sure for how long. My grandma died this morning. We weren't close, since she lived about 700km away and I only ever saw her once in a blue moon (also she hated my guts when I was a kid), but my Mom is pretty shaken up. She's on her way there and as soon as I can reach her I'm going to offer to come to her and help with whatever she and my aunt need help with. So yeah. No clue how the next couple of weeks are going to be... As long as I'm still here and will be around to comment and scene, though.

EDIT: Alright, leaving for my brother's place tomorrow afternoon, then going to Austria Thursday morning. Since my data plan only covers Germany I won't be around until late Friday night I assume. Though I'm not sure if I might not stay a little longer than that, since I know that my mom will and I don't want to leave her, even though the rest of her family will be there.
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