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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

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Back [04 Dec 2013|08:16pm]
Consider me unhiatused! I don't care if that isn't a word.

ALSO! I had planned to catch up with everything I owe tagwise tonight, but I've been super busy at work and I am on the verge of drooling even though I'm awake, so I will catch up tomorrow. Let me know if I don't tag back after Friday, because I have a goldfish brain and forget a lot of things!

And whilst I am on the subject of forgetting, I am pretty sure I owe scenes to several people, but I don't know who, except for Jipy, and that's only because I've spoken to her. REMIND ME PLEASE!

Or if we hadn't agreed on something but you want sceneage with Avery (I question your sanity), let me know now! In writing! It's harder to forget something if I've stared at it for a while. :)
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