The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[24 Oct 2013|12:11pm]
I'm the worst. I owe everyone a huge apology for disappearing for..bloody hell..nearly a month? I was going to write the mods an email but its not fair when I was forced to bail on everyone. So...this is me venting on a month's worth of shit. Prepare yourself.

Venting )
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I suck, and not in the sexy vampire way [24 Oct 2013|08:33pm]
My sleep has been really messed up this week, which is why my tags are so patchy. I tried to get an early night yesterday and then SOME ASSHOLE disturbed me juuuuuuust as I was dropping off and I couldn't get back to sleep for three hours, despite being stupidly tired. And today I got told off by my boss for not being far enough in front with my work, so I've done three times what I normally do just to placate that fat, old hoptoad with rancid teeth and now I'm ridiculously tired again. The kicker is that I was actually looking forwards to getting out of work and replying to stuff, but my mind is just as blank as it was three hours ago and I really want my bed.

So, to everyone I'm in scenes with, I apologise for how slow I am being. I have an early finish tomorrow, so hopefully I will get caught up then.
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