The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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Hiatus. [30 Sep 2013|11:40am]
Hi everyone. I'm going to have a busy work week, so I need to step away from the game for a little while. I apologize for things I'll leave hanging, but I'll be free to discuss things with anyone over email, or continue playing, whichever you prefer.

Takoda will be doing his usual native duties.
Apollo will be cleaning and cooking as always, still discrete.
Artana will be lurking near the Queen.
Sadie will be mostly sulking in her room because she can't work and Billy is away (and forgot to tell her he's leaving)
Reid is either in the beach or his room being moody and quiet.

Felicisima (Takoda, Apollo [Mouse], Artana, Sadie, Reid [Moon])
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[30 Sep 2013|12:25pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

I'm back, what did I miss?

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[ viewing | September 30th, 2013 ]
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