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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[20 Sep 2013|11:46am]
Okay, so, I was talking to Pink and I had an idea, so I wanted to run it by the mods and/or the rest of the game before I started to actually reference it.

Can we have an NPC woman in the town who does pirate laundry? I know that Stella does some for a few of the crew, but it makes sense there might be a single woman, or maybe an older widow woman (kind of like Ethel, maybe) who takes in pirate laundry for extra money on the side. And it doesn't have to be JUST pirates, it could be anyone who wants clean clothes without having to do laundry themselves.

So what do you all think? Pretty please? Cause Bull's clothes are probably kind of rank and he doesn't DO laundry--like, it's not even his skill set. And it's kind of to the point where if he wants clean clothes, he has to go somewhere and buy them. Or ask someone to make him a clean shirt from scratch. And I figure he's not the only dirty and stinky pirate around...
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