The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[06 Sep 2013|05:27pm]
For anyone who missed it, Kai will be posting an open FFA post with Yiska, Takoda, and any of the Treehouse that wants to come, to be taught bow and arrow making and archery. There is a clearing outside of the village proper, but still on Native land, and that is where the class will be held. The post will be up before the night is over!
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[06 Sep 2013|06:09pm]
Again to remind people. I will be on Slow-aitus every weekend for the rest of the month due to working at the Renaissance Festival.

--Yiska, Devin, Thistle/Chardon
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[06 Sep 2013|11:00pm]
Hi! It seems likely that I'd be away for most of this weekend as my parents are visiting tomorrow--so brief hiatus until they leave on Monday. the muffin making...

Have a great day,
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[ viewing | September 6th, 2013 ]
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