The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[10 May 2013|09:24am]
Hello, lovely people of SG!

Sorry for adding myself to the list of hiatuses. but I will also be away this weekend starting tonight (GMT+8) because of an event. Tomorrow, I think I will be online in the morning, but I have an overnight, out of town trip with my friends Saturday-Sunday. I'll be back that night. I have Monday off though because it's election day here in my country, so I can catch up then!

If I have threads I need to tag, please remind me here so I can get to them! Sorry for those in advance! <3

Felicisima ( Takoda, Apollo [Mouse], Artana Dennan, Sadie Williams, Reid [Moon] )
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