The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[02 May 2013|10:26am]
Hey guys! Just a heads up that I will be on hiatus from the 13th-20th, I'm working for a lighting company for an Anime convention lol

Before that though I desperately need something to do with Wendy here. She's been hard for me to play lately so I need lines to get her voice's butt into gear. I really don't care what the lines are as long as it's activity.
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[02 May 2013|11:22am]
Hey there. While I am spending the day out with the kids... when I get back I'm going to throw up threads with my charies. They will be open unless someone wants to claim them.

Dahlia is open. Will likely be at her camp or in town, either one involving her playing her fiddle. Unless someone has something specific in mind they'd like to do with her.

Kouki is open. Not sure what I'll do with him. Perhaps have him cooking or some such unless someone wants to do something specific with him.

Owl is currently in one with Mal... but I would LOVE to do one with Raccoon for after, but would likely need to wait until I know exactly how the one with Mal ends.
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