The Savage Gardens Out Of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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[14 Apr 2013|02:43pm]
So, I'm trying to get all caught up in between things today, not sure if I'm succeeding, but... I'm hoping to be back in the saddle tonight or tomorrow. So! Anyone capable of giving me a little summery of what all I'm missing? I would love you forever....
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[14 Apr 2013|09:54pm]
Hey guys! Abby here.

Sorry for disappearing last week, my grandfather was in the hospital and in the shuffle I forgot to put a note up. But I'm here! And back! Sorry for the abrupt week-long unannounced hiatus!

I know that we have some new players, so for those who I haven't met yet, welcome! My name's abby! And I play Fitz, aka Hawk from the treehouse! Can't wait to talk to ya!

So. Shall we play? :D
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[ viewing | April 14th, 2013 ]
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