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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

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[11 Apr 2013|09:12am]
If it is not one thing, it is another. I swear. I seem to be getting slammed with RL stuff, if its not my side of the family, its hubby being sick, or now our vehicles being general POS's and the stress level is high, and I'm about to chuck the nearest pissy male out a three story window. So... this is my sort of hiatus, in that I am about to throttle someone, and this is highly VERY NOT conducive to writing anything other than murder, and so I'm going to take my frustrations out on my house for the next few days.

Angry spring cleaning, anyone?

Also, Karma, or WTFE, is a bitch, and I'm ready to be done now, thank you.
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[11 Apr 2013|11:47am]

I'm not dead, I promise.

What I am, is trying to re-integrate myself. I had some issues earlier, but I feel a bit better now, so I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things as much as I can.

That being said, feel free to poke me about things. Or- tell me things I might need to know. Lol. I'm a bit lost.
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