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The Savage Gardens Out Of Character

Savage Garden - OOC Community
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This is just to say... [19 Mar 2013|04:52am]
...that you guys are the best. ♥
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Attention Lost Players! [19 Mar 2013|08:49pm]
So! Kouki is still relatively new in the Treehouse, however he has also been around a few months! As such... I was wondering if there was anyone out there, with a Lost, who would like to have them be the first one to feed from Kouki! As this will be a new experience for Kouki, I'd like to scene it out so I know how he will approach feedings there after. I would potentially like to do one or two scenes before the feeding with the lost to also properly assess how Kouki will feel toward them before the feeding as well.

So! Anyone interested?
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[ viewing | March 19th, 2013 ]
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