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The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

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[29 Dec 2013|07:25pm]

ldfjlaskdjfda Hello! Tis Lisa bringing in Charlotte, the Town Nurse. ANDSANDRABULLOCKFACE! Anyways. I shall try not to get super duper excited because, I love this gal.

Charlotte. Only 115. For those who were around in her childhood, not a good one. No money. Not very many baths. She was a quiet one. Continued to be ever so quiet until taken in by the town doctor. Took care of her and her mother. Married Charlotte. Turned psychotic when Charlotte's mother died. She became his nurse. He was an abusive bastard and after decades of his bullshit, Charlotte had had enough. Taking her mother's magic book, she killed the bastard. He's actually buried in the basement but people stopped asking questions ages ago. :)

She's still kinda feeling out her independence. She has a very strong will and puts herself out there for all women. All she wants to do is help. From sickness to broken bones and such, Charlotte does it all, kinda works hand in hand with Basil.

What most don't know is she does stuff in the taking in abused women, helping them in any way possible, and even abortions for those who don't want children. Charlotte doesn't judge and pretty much helps anyone and everyone.

Bio and Profile Click on it...its pretty.

But I would love lines and...everything. Anything really.


New player alert! [14 Dec 2013|05:01pm]

Hi everyone!

I'm Emily, and I'm excited to be part of your lovely game! I'm bringing in an Imaginary Boy, Mustang. His real name is Luke Freeman, and he's 19 year old kid from 2013, so he'll have a lot to get used to.

Luke is generally fun, friendly, and super outgoing, but he's got a quick, violent temper and he can be kind of a judgmental asshole, so he might not mix well with everyone at the Treehouse (yay, conflict!). He'll be super curious about all of Neverland right off the bat, though, so his first priority will be exploring and making friends. He says he's very interested in the mermaids and the fae especially.

I'd love lines for him! Friends, enemies, roommates, frenemies, crushes etc.! Throw things at me!

ETA: OH and I should mention! The best way to reach me is email,! AIM is currently being stupid on my computer and making it crash, but if/when I fix it I'll let y'all know what my AIM address is <3

ETA2: ALSO he's in House 2! So roommates yay!

[02 Dec 2013|08:54pm]

Hi, all! This is Amy Ellison, and she's a schoolteacher from Atlanta. She's only been here a few months, but she's already working at the school. She's got the six-to-twelve years, and she also lives in the school. She's from 2013, and the lack of modern amenities is driving her a little nutty.

She needs pretty much everything, especially outside of school. Her info is here, so hit me with your best shot!

[11 Nov 2013|11:19pm]

Five somehow wasn't enough for me, so here's Lynn with number six (and a seventh one slowly forming so please tell me NO). Raye(n) is a Native who's been missing for over two decades. People might have seen her around Fortunas with the guy who kidnapped her, but she hasn't seen the tribe since she was 7. Recently she killed the guy in his sleep after she heard the (false) rumor about the Tse'ka killing the watchmaker(?) in town because it renewed her spirit and inspired her and stuff. Currently she's bunking in the cabin she's spent most of her life in with him buried out back but she can't stay there forever. She'll need to (re)join the tribe soon.

Her spirit animal will be the crow, which is the only real justification I have for using this journal, but she doesn't have it yet. She's been through a lot and she's not sure how to deal with other people so much but she wants to. Use kid gloves or don't, it's all in the name of character development. :) And if anyone wants they could remember her from when she was a kid or they could have known her parents and stuff. Since she wasn't raised by a Tse'ka she's sorely lacking in knowledge of their language and culture, so she'll need refreshers on those although she can speak in basics. Anyway, yeah, let's plot!

[19 Oct 2013|08:37pm]

This is Nicolas Ferrington, the Mayor of Fortunas. To say he's efficient would be... well, it'd be lying. Through your teeth.

Nic is pretty much allergic to making decisions. He spoils his children, and he's very easy to influence. Right now, he's pretty much under the Sheriff's influence, and he thinks that everyone is Neverland is his responsibility, not just Fortunas. So he thinks he needs to mediate problems in the Treehouse, make sure all the children are taken care of (and if the Sheriff thinks that means institutions, then so does Nic) and otherwise? He's a glad-handing dandy. He'd go anywhere he could to be seen: most evenings, he's at a tavern, usually the Heretic. But during the day, if he's not floating aimlessly around the town hall, he's visiting local businesses and generally being a pain in the ass Interested Politician. And he thinks he's doing a fine job, too.

He's got two children--his son, Jack ([info]jackfrosty) works with the Sheriff. And his daughter is an open line, so if you want to play a spoiled princess? Now would be the time. :) The details are here, so please go and learn about the jolly new completely incompetent but extremely cheerful mayor!

[04 Oct 2013|10:42pm]

Hey guys! It's Sarah and I bring you the lovely Godfrey Gao.

His name is Gangjiang, but for the sake of pronunciation - and to piss off his parents - he goes by Indigo. Sometimes, his hair goes along with that name :D

He is (still) a townie and plays music in taverns for a living. Well, mostly. Whatever else he needs he steals or cons out of people. He has absolutely no problem with being kept or a boytoy if that means ge can live in style. And if he's bored, he moves on.

He's quite the charmer and he knows exactly how good he looks. And he uses both to his advantage shamelessly. He can be very patient, especially if he wants something, which can turn into obsession easily. Once he gets whatever (or whoever) he wants, that is prone to fade really quickly, though.

He wants to be a pirate, so he plays mostly at the Dead Heretic to get their attention while he gathers the courage to approach them.

Since he's lived in Fortunas all his life, he needs any and all kinds of lines! Gimme gimme? :D

[25 Sep 2013|08:10pm]

So...This is Nathaniel Morissette, the previous Captain of Cassandra, but now your resident Helmsman....ANDYOUHAVENOFUCKINGIDEAHOWFUCKINGEXCITEDIAMABOUTPIRATES

1. Nathaniel is not his real name, but only two are aware of that.
2. He's an old, bitter bastard. Beware.
3. Hates women on the ship, and you will be made aware of this.
4. Older, his eyesight sucks these days. But he dares you to come closer.
5. Trusts only Oz and Woodes. (I'm assuming he'd get along with Swifte just fine, but time will tell right?) lol.

...there's more. believe me..I'm just..fucking giddy as all fuck for this.

So Nathaniel. Call him only Nathaniel.


I'm good. I'm cool. I'm cool.


[25 Sep 2013|10:12pm]
Hello everyone! Thirteen here.

This is Havva, the Spirit Elemental Fae. She is new to the position and is under the guidance (and watchful eyes) of her second cousin, Queen Laata, and the Queen's ladies-in-waiting. She is bubbly, eccentric, and comes off as flaky. She loves dreams and lives half in and out of them. She is prone to Anxiety fits, because her elemental as well as herself is very delicately balanced. She loves to listen to people talk, though when she answers she answers in a 'Stream of consciousness' sort of way that may not fit in with the logical direction of conversation.
The rest of her bio is here

Friends! Enemies... (though she'll pout), and everything else is welcome with her! Any other fae is welcome to know her previously, but she hasn't gotten out of the Circles yet so humans probably don't know about her. (She's excited to go to the human town in her human disguise!)

Intro [23 Sep 2013|05:40pm]

Hey everyone! I'm Ilene, and I'm bringing in this lovely little lady here. Her name is Brianna Marshall and she's fresh from Earth, having no idea how she wound up in this place and confused as all hell as to what's going on. She's 20-years-old, adorable, rather innocent, and all of her info can be found in her bio.

I want plots! I love them all, light or dark, and Bri needs some excitement in her life (even if she doesn't want any). Or at least to get settled first before getting eaten by local wildlife as that would be a rather unfortunate way to meet her end. Hit me up with anything!

[22 Aug 2013|09:32pm]

Hi. My name is Lynn and I have a problem third character now. Yay!

This is Genevieve, or Gena. She's primarily an entertainer for hire (stringed instruments of almost any kind) but also works at her brother's (open line) bakery part-time. She was born and raised in Fortunas so backstory lines are always welcome. :D

As for personality, if you're anything but a normal townsperson who's never been outside of Neverland then she's probably a fangirl of you and will bug the crap out of you about stories of where you've been, what you've seen or heard or done, what music you've heard and if you could repeat it so she could play it, and so on. So yes, she loves every group/species outside of her own. She's also a little naive and clumsy on her feet, talks big about going on adventures or doing stuff but never follows up, and daydreams almost all the time. She keeps collections of stuff from other groups/the other world including currencies, music sheets, artifacts, etc.

Plot? :D And as always, ForeScorn (AIM),, and contact posts for her, Esther and Kye. I promise my next character won't be a townsperson and will take me longer to write

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