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The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

Savage Garden - Intro Community
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[22 Nov 2014|07:36pm]

Hey everyone. I'm Jac and am completely new to the community. I've been rping on and off for years. I have a job...which is pretty awesome. I like music a lot. I mean a lot a lot. I also have a horrible obsession with pintrest. I also have horrible puns so I am apologizing now.

I have here Emma Jaye Matthews..whose face is the lovely Astrid Berges-Frisbey. I feel awful for changing the face so fast but it was actually bothering me for the past couple of days that I wasn't using her. Lol.

I was hoping someone could help a little? I've read all through the comm and I love the fact that I literally have a lot of freedom to introduce this character in which ever way I want.

So far, I'm a little stuck on the species. Really, my first thought is to make Emma a mermaid...because POTC, AM I RIGHT? But..with Astrid face..she could easily be swayed into Fae. Imaginaries are out of the question and this sweet girl isn't cut out for a pirate.

So I was hoping..if anyone had any ideas. Part of her personality is filled out and I'm still feeling out the rest of her (*snorts*) so..yeah. I would be happy for anything really.

Thank you for your time to read my rant, hope to talk to you all soon.

Stubborn old bastard, comin through [08 Nov 2014|11:34am]

Hi everyone,

I'm Archie, nice to meet you all. I haven't RP'd in a while and it's always been messageboard style, so please be patient while I bumble through the first few posts in this format ^_^

My character is Griff a trooping fae (Mordred as a human), and I've written into his profile that he currently has a human he is following around. So I might know... pop up and start stalking you if you're human 8D I'm thinking I'll just hit the ground running, as it were - like we've known each other for a little while now, rather than the first meeting. We could write some back story later on if things are going well between us and we have time or get bored or want to plot.

I also mentioned that he had a previous human obsession who became a pirate, so if that works with anyone and you want to be on the receiving end of some awkward/longing gazes, let me know!

For those keen on having a rumble, he's had his fare share of brawls with a few of the other groups and has a pretty good idea of how to take care of himself. He's been around forever and is old as hell. The character will try pretty hard to avoid a full blown down and dirty fight, but that's his character and I'm actually cool with it.

Just as a note about me, I work full time and life gets pretty busy at times. I go camping over the weekend every few months (going camping December 5-7) so there will be times that I'm away for a few days. I'll be one of those once a day posters mostly, maybe a few times a week if I go out for work functions in the evening etc. Just wanted to let everyone know what to expect :)

[31 Oct 2014|11:21am]

Hey hey! Haruhi here.

So, after playing around with Jackie for a bit and deciding that the place rocked (he’s getting the shit kicked out of him *heart eyes*) I’ve taken the plunge and made another muse.

Meet Anna Breyer aka The Merchant Prince. And yes she does prefer the term ‘Prince’ as she certainly doesn’t feel like a princess.

She’s the widow of a member of the infamous Purple Gang, a group of bootleggers, arms runners, extortionists and murderers who made it big back during the American Prohibition. Anna and her husband were taken by the pirates, the idea being that said husband would take up the responsibilities of Merchant Prince. However he died going through the wormhole, his weak heart giving out. It left the pirates stuck with Anna and Anna stuck with the pirates.

She hates it here and is constantly searching for a way to break her contract…

I have no clue where to start with her so if you have any plot ideas or lines or open threads without answers, hit me up via message/comment or AIM and I’ll throw her in and see what happens.

Troublemaker; that's your middle name. [26 Oct 2014|06:00am]


Hi all,

Newbie here. *waves* I generally go by Haruhi but I answer to pretty much anything.

Umm, not too sure what to say here; these things are always hard. I’ve been out of the RP scene for quite a while although I have been RPing for years. Mostly though only on message boards or private more ‘co-writing’ sort of things through google documents. I live in Australia so I’m generally in a completely different timezone to everyone else, so please bear with me on that. And umm, I saw this place advertised and just fell in love with the idea. Twisted fairytales and dark retellings of famouse stories are the best.

Anyway, I have my first character ready to dangle for the slaughter. His name is Jack Dawkins and yes, if any of you literature buffs did a double take, he is meant to be the grown up version of The Artful Dodger. He’s now 25, been around the block a bit, seen some hell and come crawling out of a watery wormhole into this world.

I really don’t know what he’ll get up to in the game, but I’m sure we’ll find something. At the moment he’s a Ratcatcher, so trades information and secrets, while being a general thief, a bit of a whore and an all-around scallywag and troublemaker. He talks a lot and is kinda fidgety but still somewhat likeable for the fact that while he may try to screw your character over, you’ll always see it coming. He doesn’t play favourites when it comes to business, so as long as you’re always the highest bidder none of your secrets are going to spread. (that’s what he wants me to say but really he’ll warm up to people rather quickly)

If anyone has any plot ideas, let me know. He’s also scratching at the walls in hopes of finding some straight laced, normally older person he can follow around/talk at/torment/give headaches to. Seems to be his favourite pastime.

So yeah, I guess that's us in a nutshell...

A pirate lookout from a new writer? Hmmm... [28 Sep 2014|12:36am]

Hello guys! My name is Sammy, but the last time I played here I was going by Antha (which is still my name, kind of, I just never ever use it out there in the real world), so some of you may remember me! Some of you also may remember my character's face, which I used previously for a ridiculously short amount of time. HOWEVER, this is not the same little pirate, oh no. This is Ezra, and he's much, much darker than my last lookout. Don't get me wrong, he looks adorable and smiles a lot and doesn't really act like there's much going on in that blonde/pink/blue/red/black/whatever head of his, but if you're a townie then he probably knows more about you than you'd like. And he might just be plotting to ruin one or more of your relationships, because destruction is fun! Hooray!

Ezra's only just become a pirate and he's lived in Fortunas his entire life (all of twenty years and just over nine months), so if you have a townie, they probably know him! He needs friends and foes and people he can irritate the life out of, so throw me your plots!

Also, since I've been gone...a while (I don't remember how long), I have no idea what is going on and I really need to know. TELL ME ALL OF THE THINGS!!!!

I'm so glad to be back!!!

[22 Aug 2014|08:46pm]

Ohaiiiiii. Ally here with my second babeh. Meet Delanei, noble born fae and local troublemaker! She is Haakon's little sister, and his polar opposite. She can be found just about anywhere in Neverland so any and all plots are welcome! Xoxox

hello hello! [19 Aug 2014|11:10pm]

hi everyone, i'm charlie, and i'm bringing in benji, as your cougar, who will be new to make things more simple since i'm new here. i've actually never been in a game quite like this before so i'm a little nervous but a lot excited. he's fresh out of 1999 new york, where he almost made it to his 18th birthday. he buries his insecurities beneath whatever act will endear him to others, playing coy at first until he's sure which angle he wants to work. his bio is in journal, and i'd love to offer him for any type of line we could fit him into. i'm not really sure what else to put here, but you can reach me through the screened post or email listed in this journal, or on aim at joefljacko. i'm looking forward to playing with all of you!

More more more! [16 Aug 2014|10:17pm]

Callie has no problem! No problem at all!! >_> *coughs* At least these problems result in pretty bebes! ;)

I come bearing one Crocodile for your enjoyment! His name is Thierry Descartes, but doesn't really care what you call him. He is flippant, sarcastic, likes to argue for the sake of arguing, a bit overconfident, and incredibly troubled. He believes he's bad for everyone, thus his personality where he acts tough and peacocks a lot like nothing can touch him, but he really longs to let people in. He keeps them at arms length, however, because he believes everyone will betray him eventually. (Either that, or his curse will get rid of/hurt them) Beyond the attitude and the snarky behavior, he's a decent guy. Inherently charming, flirty (when he wants to be), a prankster, and the type who doesn't take anything seriously (at least as far as he projects!)

EDIT: Thierry is now gonna be BRAND NEW. Just to make it easier on myself and everyone else. <3

Gimme ALL YOUR LINES, lovelies! You know the drill. <3

Heylo! [08 Aug 2014|01:04am]

Hi everyone! My name is Callie and I'm brand shiny new here. I stumbled across the ad for this game and it SUCKED ME IN (which, admittedly, isn't hard given how easy I am to coerce >_>) I'm super excited I was accepted and can't wait to get started!

As a brief bio: I'm 29 (ugh, just turned it, don't remind me...), I love mermaids and all things watery (my first choice makes sense now doesn't it?), I have an obsession with the color purple, I live on the East Coast and keep WEIRD hours, and I am extremely susceptible to suggestion when it comes to characters. (AKA: CHARACTER WHORE) Enough about me, though! Onto the fun shiny new stuff!

The Not-So-Little Mermaid )

The best way to reach me is email [], as I'm obsessive about checking it. I am on AIM at booo biscuit, BUT it's important to note that I prefer email or the contact post, as AIM often messes with my ADD and I can't get anything else done while talking there. I'm almost always on invisible, so if you want to try and poke me, feel free! Otherwise, I'm up for any plotting via email or what have you! Can't wait to get started. XD

[29 Jul 2014|05:08pm]

Hullo! ♥ This is Lei and I'm new to the game. You can hit me up at or stellarcartography on aim. I'm bringing you Vulture the Imaginary.

Vulture is a working-class punk from Leeds and London around 1977. He ran away from hom to be close to the waning days of Glamrock and the rise of Punk. He's one of those kids who lives on the fringe of groups. He's droll and sarcastic and he's got a dark side he's not looking to show off to others. Like his blurb says he's obsessed with death and immortality and he's supposed to follow around one of the Losts more than the others. I don't know yet which Lost that is. He's a crossdresser under his normal clothes and has a lot of other psychological problems. He's not into talking about himself. Here is the rest of his application.

Looking forward to playing with you all. ♥

Oh also Vulture is in room #3 and he's been here for a week. But he's been super low profile. He's been a sleeping body in a bed and people maybe see him in the shower but right now he's only watching you all.

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