The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

Savage Garden - Intro Community
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[27 May 2015|08:19pm]
So hey everyone! I'm Jade, brand new writer and just..super stoked to be here. I'm not gunna lie, I've been eyeballing this comm for a little while and finally mustered up enough courage to actually apply. My love of Peter Pan has no bounds. Can I just say, fastest add ever.

I am bringing Madeleine Grace Davis. She has no nickname so you may either call her Madeleine or Madam. She is the owner of a new brothel in town: Pandora's Bordello. She came from a world of poverty and essentially dug her way out of it. She came into the house of old man Sinclair who left her nothing but the house. Literally..just a house. No nada. She earned more money to turn this sucker into a brothel. :)

For those who don't actually know her, Madeleine is quite pleasant and kind. She is very gracious and welcomes almost everyone in her brothel with open arms. That being said, she really isn't that nice and is probably the most selfish person anyone will ever have the chance to meet. She loves her money, pretty things, and power. She just simply craves more and more of it.

Please read her bio. I'm a little proud of it to be honest.

I welcome anything and everything. Thank you all for your time and the chance to write with you all!!

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