The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

Savage Garden - Intro Community
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Hi! [01 Mar 2015|09:50pm]
Hi everyone! My name is Diana, but call me Di, and I'm bringing in this guy here Canyon, filling the position of Lost Boy Iapetus.

A little about me first. I've been roleplaying for a long damned time both offline and on. I'm in EST, but I work nights 3 nights a week, so I tend to be slower then and have hours closer to Aussie hours. I'm always available via email [firebranded(dot)wolf at gmail] and can be reached there on gtalk when I'm at home.

But enough about me! Canyon is an earthy 19 year old and arrived in Neverland on the New Year. He was raised all his life on a hippie commune, where they didn't have things like electricity, refined sugar, or animal meat - so he still doesn't have a penchant for the latter, but he's all over the sugar and loves electricity, even if he ends up shocking his fingers. He's very down to earth, very responsible, but still likes to play and loves to build things.

I can't wait to start playing with you guys!
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