The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

Savage Garden - Intro Community
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[08 Dec 2014|10:12pm]
So, what's better than having one murderous ex-junkie in the limited confines of a shared treehouse? Hows about having TWO of them! You scrape that barrel, Peter, scrape it hard.

This is Nate aka Rat. He's a wisecracking, self-serving, soap-dodging asshole who seems to have absolutely no redeeming qualities beyond how many Pringles he can fit in his mouth in one go. Of course there's more to him than that, but being the nice guy has never really paid off for Nate and so he chooses to tuck that part of himself away most of the time.

Also, he may or may not have brought contraband into Neverland. Peter may or may not kick his ass if when he finds out. >_>

So yes! He needs plot and people and plot. Throw it at me!

- Sammy
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