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The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

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Stubborn old bastard, comin through [08 Nov 2014|11:34am]
Hi everyone,

I'm Archie, nice to meet you all. I haven't RP'd in a while and it's always been messageboard style, so please be patient while I bumble through the first few posts in this format ^_^

My character is Griff a trooping fae (Mordred as a human), and I've written into his profile that he currently has a human he is following around. So I might know... pop up and start stalking you if you're human 8D I'm thinking I'll just hit the ground running, as it were - like we've known each other for a little while now, rather than the first meeting. We could write some back story later on if things are going well between us and we have time or get bored or want to plot.

I also mentioned that he had a previous human obsession who became a pirate, so if that works with anyone and you want to be on the receiving end of some awkward/longing gazes, let me know!

For those keen on having a rumble, he's had his fare share of brawls with a few of the other groups and has a pretty good idea of how to take care of himself. He's been around forever and is old as hell. The character will try pretty hard to avoid a full blown down and dirty fight, but that's his character and I'm actually cool with it.

Just as a note about me, I work full time and life gets pretty busy at times. I go camping over the weekend every few months (going camping December 5-7) so there will be times that I'm away for a few days. I'll be one of those once a day posters mostly, maybe a few times a week if I go out for work functions in the evening etc. Just wanted to let everyone know what to expect :)
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