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Troublemaker; that's your middle name. [26 Oct 2014|06:00am]

Hi all,

Newbie here. *waves* I generally go by Haruhi but I answer to pretty much anything.

Umm, not too sure what to say here; these things are always hard. I’ve been out of the RP scene for quite a while although I have been RPing for years. Mostly though only on message boards or private more ‘co-writing’ sort of things through google documents. I live in Australia so I’m generally in a completely different timezone to everyone else, so please bear with me on that. And umm, I saw this place advertised and just fell in love with the idea. Twisted fairytales and dark retellings of famouse stories are the best.

Anyway, I have my first character ready to dangle for the slaughter. His name is Jack Dawkins and yes, if any of you literature buffs did a double take, he is meant to be the grown up version of The Artful Dodger. He’s now 25, been around the block a bit, seen some hell and come crawling out of a watery wormhole into this world.

I really don’t know what he’ll get up to in the game, but I’m sure we’ll find something. At the moment he’s a Ratcatcher, so trades information and secrets, while being a general thief, a bit of a whore and an all-around scallywag and troublemaker. He talks a lot and is kinda fidgety but still somewhat likeable for the fact that while he may try to screw your character over, you’ll always see it coming. He doesn’t play favourites when it comes to business, so as long as you’re always the highest bidder none of your secrets are going to spread. (that’s what he wants me to say but really he’ll warm up to people rather quickly)

If anyone has any plot ideas, let me know. He’s also scratching at the walls in hopes of finding some straight laced, normally older person he can follow around/talk at/torment/give headaches to. Seems to be his favourite pastime.

So yeah, I guess that's us in a nutshell...
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