The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

Savage Garden - Intro Community
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Heylo! [08 Aug 2014|01:04am]
Hi everyone! My name is Callie and I'm brand shiny new here. I stumbled across the ad for this game and it SUCKED ME IN (which, admittedly, isn't hard given how easy I am to coerce >_>) I'm super excited I was accepted and can't wait to get started!

As a brief bio: I'm 29 (ugh, just turned it, don't remind me...), I love mermaids and all things watery (my first choice makes sense now doesn't it?), I have an obsession with the color purple, I live on the East Coast and keep WEIRD hours, and I am extremely susceptible to suggestion when it comes to characters. (AKA: CHARACTER WHORE) Enough about me, though! Onto the fun shiny new stuff!

The Not-So-Little Mermaid )

The best way to reach me is email [], as I'm obsessive about checking it. I am on AIM at booo biscuit, BUT it's important to note that I prefer email or the contact post, as AIM often messes with my ADD and I can't get anything else done while talking there. I'm almost always on invisible, so if you want to try and poke me, feel free! Otherwise, I'm up for any plotting via email or what have you! Can't wait to get started. XD
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