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The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

Savage Garden - Intro Community
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[24 Mar 2014|01:37am]
Hello everyone! My name's Char and -as some of you probably know already- I am beyond excited to be here! I'm brand spanking new to the game, and bringing an Imaginary Boy for your pleasure! He goes by the name of Sid, and fits the description of Badger:

Rather grumpy at times, Badger doesn’t like to be bothered. Organized but sometimes a wreck when it comes to relationships, he likes to bicker both with friends and especially enemies. A worthy fighter. Keep on his good side.

So yeah! About Sid. He's a street kid from Detroit who's a survivor more than anything else. He's a classic sob story (though will punch anyone telling him as much in the nose); broken family, father in jail, poor as dirt, wound up in the foster system, wound up in juvie and was trying hard just to make ends meet for him and his foster siblings right before Peter whisked him away to Neverland. (post-fight, may I add)

He's got no brain to mouth filter and the attitude to match it, so I expect he'll wind up making just as many enemies as he does friends (if not more). Bickering's what he lives for and I apologize in advance for the offensive language that's sure to come out of him from time to time. He's not very educated, but he's street smart and witty enough that it's not hindered him too much in the past. He's also not afraid to throw punches and a worthy fighter, so people generally steer clear from getting on his bad side. Though he doesn't look very approachable at first, he is fiercely loyal to those who get close to him AND enjoys arguing, joking around and pranking a lot. That being said, he's actually quite funny, too, if you're into his kind of humour. So it's not all bad!

You can read all about him HERE! If you just read the F.Y.I section, that should give you a pretty good idea of the character already. He also has an inventory up in his journal, for those of you who like that sort of stuff !I know I do

I seriously can't wait to start playing with you all! This kid needs just about everything, so please, plot with me! I live for it. :D You can reach me here OR on AIM! look1ng4alaska

EDIT: His IC introduction is HERE for any of you Treehouse folk who should like to get on that!
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