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The Savage Gardens Introduction Comm

Savage Garden - Intro Community
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[27 Jan 2014|09:29pm]

Ally here, and I bringing the lovely Demeter Bellisario!

Some things about me:
* I'm 25 with a 'big girl job.'
* I don't know what 'big girl job' actually means.
* I love wine & coffee & chocolate.
* I love plotting almost as much as W&C&C.
* I have been here before quite a while ago, but had to drop off since I was working two retail jobs @ 60 hours/week. Needless to say, I'm done with that!! (see: 'big girl job')

Some things about Demeter:
* She goes by Demi, mostly (but doesn't object to other pet names, she thinks they're sweet).
* She is 19 and a sophomore at Julliard at the time of her stumbling into Neverland.
* She is a dancer, and waits tables in NYC for living money while in school.
* She is very friendly and energetic, one of her biggest flaws is jealousy.
* She is from the same home town as Lukas (Mustang), they were neighbors growing up.
* Feel free to check out her bio for a full description :)

I plan to have her literally drop into Fortunas, so anyone who wants to help a girl out is more than welcome :3 I could see her as being a serving wench, since she basically did the same thing back home when she wasn't dancing her face off. You can reach me at or on AIM @ B4DWO2F. Email is probably a better way to reach me because smartphone.
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[ viewing | January 27th, 2014 ]
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