Saturday, August 1st, 2020

[The door opens for all to enter the new world and the doors of this dusty old dome will close forever behind them.]
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Thursday, July 30th, 2020

List Of Adoptable Children

Micah Adopted by Steve Rogers
Max Adopted by Joy Meachum
Evan Adopted by Steve Rogers
Peter Adopted by Tony Stark and Paprika Puffs
Ned Adopted by Tony Stark and Paprika Poots
MJ Adopted by Bucktanon Barnelbus
Dorian Adopted by Steve Rogers
Brick Adopted by Bucktanon Barnelbus
Mouse Adopted by Emma Smith and Sam Winchester
Cole Adopted by Jim Halpert
Lesley Adopted by Guillotine
Agnes Adopted by Cornelius
Camille Adopted by Buffy Cornelius
Diego Adopted by Harper, Dionne, and Stan Roberts
Carl Adopted by Joy Meachum
Stiles Jason and Cady Stalvern
Stiles Jason and Cady Stalvern
Jam Adopted by Oz and Lorraine Dufresne
Miercoles Adopted by Finn and Annie
Penny Adopted by Josh Collins
Mandy Adopted by Dean Winchester
Duck Adopted by Mason Reed and Lucretia Skye
West Adopted by Guillotin
Cannibal Adopted by Pietro Maximoff
Nina Alex Mulloy and Ward Meachum
Kaya Adopted by Oz and Lorraine Dufresne
Taya Adopted by Harper, Dionne, and Stan Roberts
Polly Adopted by Oz and Lorraine Dufresne
Carson Adopted by Mason Reed and Lucretia Skye
Smiley Adopted by Natasha Romanoff
Blake Adopted by Alex Mulloy and Ward Meachum
Pat Adopted by Natasha Romanoff
Karen Adopted by Katherine Pierce
Minnie Adopted by Natasha Romanoff
Faye Adopted by Mason Reed and Lucretia Skye
Hickory Adopted by Wanda Maximoff
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Wednesday, July 29th, 2020

Congratulations Dome Subjects!

You have successfully completed the Dome Project, and all thanks to the wisdom and guidance of one man: Captain Steven Rogers. As a reward, you are all being released into paradise. A place where you can live freely and grow with your family.

There is only one thing left to do. Jumpstart your family! All subjects under 21 years of age must be adopted legally. Papers will be found in the church. Subjects under 21 years of age who are married are exempt from this requirement.

Once this is all done, a door will appear in the dome wall next to the carnival. When you walk through, you will be free at last.

Good luck.

The Scientists
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Sunday, July 26th, 2020


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Saturday, July 25th, 2020

Coming Soon

Phase 4: The Stepfurt Project
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Saturday, July 18th, 2020

Day 4 Second Victim - Mouse

[Mouse wanders to the armory and starts taking apart the guns. Whoever crashes this spam will be the next victim.]
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Friday, July 10th, 2020

First Victim - Cole Spam

[Sweet puppy goes to Cole when he's coming out of the shower and wags his cute widdle tail.]
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Monday, July 6th, 2020

Day 2

[Calm before the storm spams]

[Mouse and Carson have gathered a dozen guns and a dozen boxes of ammunition along with a hunting knife, a broad sword, and a machete; and place them on the table in the mess hall. Food has been equally rationed -- there's enough to last a month or more with everyone eating their fill. There are clothes and coats and shoes and snow gear tailored to fit each person. Beds in the sleeping chambers have all been claimed. They have everything they need for now. The snow hasn't stopped falling outside but they appear to be safe.]

[The Thing Spam Intro]

[An adorable puppy
scratches at the front door, crying for help and shelter. He won't attack anyone just yet, all he wants is a cuddle ❤️.]
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Saturday, July 4th, 2020


[The compound sits on the top of a snow covered mountain. It's a blizzard outside with snow accumulating quickly.

The interior is a cramped and never ending maze of
hallways, passageways and doors which connect the many
rooms and compartments within the compound. Sturdy, but
prefabricated materials have been used in its

There is an infirmary. A kitchen and mess
hall. A communications room and sleeping quarters. Other
cubicles are for storage and supplies.

The most spacious area of the building, and the main
center of activity, is the Rec Room. Of the many entrance
ways to this room can be seen the small work chambers with
their sophisticated computers and other scientific

The below quarter houses the generator and still other
compartments for storage.

Everyone begins in the Rec Hall: Bucky, Tony, Mason, Faye, Minnie, Agnes, Cole, Carson, Jam, Ember, Merc, Sam, Nina, Duck, and Mouse.]
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Friday, July 3rd, 2020

The THING Project


So the following volunteers (add below) will be placed on top of a mountain. A cold cold mountain. On the mountain there will be a bunker where the volunteers will go. There will be one shared bedroom with enough beds for everyone. A kitchen with enough supplies to last a month (the plot will be shorter). There will be a room for weapons. A fireplace, Woods nearby, 1 1/2 bathrooms.

A puppy dog will show up on day 2 and attack someone and begin the plot. The dog will be revealed to be a THING but things won't go really wrong until its victim infects someone else and then so on and so on.

You can make your infected people act weird if you want, they can act pretty normal too, but the only thing is that they will be super defensive and protective of themselves and deny that they are THE THING too.

Infections can spread via saliva or blood. Kisses, bites, cut on cut contact, etc.

Lemme know if you have questions. VOLUNTEER BELOW!

Time will stand still in the dome until the plot end which will be when everyone is either infected OR all the infected people are killed.

Everyone is human in this plot. Some may be stronger than others but not super humanly so.
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Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020


Tired of wallowing. I need distractions sooo I'm fast-forwarding Tony's timeline and plot twist! He's from an AU where Thor beheaded Thanos in Infinity Wars and then Earth was saved. Hurrah! He never dies.
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Thursday, May 14th, 2020

Hugh Drysdale is dead. Killed by Wanda Maximoff. You can have your precious food, you animals. Have it. You think you can run this dome better than we can? Fine. You figure this out on your own.

Your food supplies have been restocked this last time. Enjoy it while it lasts. Maybe your glorious saviors Captain America and The Winter Soldier can save your sorry asses.
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Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

[Spams below]
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Sunday, May 3rd, 2020

[The following pairs will find themselves in a windowless room with white walls, white floors, and a white door that won't open. There's two white twin beds on opposite sides of the room. There's one unnaturally bright ceiling light. There's no escaping the room. They're just going to have to sit and chat until they're released.]

Room 1: Joy and Max
Room 2: Jim and Bucky
Room 3: Harper and Phil
Room 4: Jason and Cox
Room 5: Oz and Pietro
Room 6: Alex and Katherine
Room 7: MJ and Brick
Room 8: Camellia and Lorraine
Room 9: Tony and Hero
Room 10: Anubis and Wanda
Room 11: Ember and Carson
Room 12: Greta and Mouse
Room 13: West and Peter
Room 14: Cady and Adrien
Room 15: Faith and Cole
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Saturday, May 2nd, 2020

The following subjects are being compassionately released:

Mieczyslaw “Stiles” Stilinski
Scott McCall
Allison Argent
Mei Xian
Savannah Puck
Quinn Flanagan

Plot! Volunteer your peeps for a plot!
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Friday, May 1st, 2020

Attention Subjects:

Hugh Drysdale has been awarded his own team, Category 1 housing, and a plethora of food rations. He is a shining example for you. If you ask nicely, he may take pity on you and allow you to join his team.
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Tuesday, April 28th, 2020


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Saturday, April 25th, 2020

Subjects of the dome are now under punishment. No food. No one is allowed out of their homes after 6pm or before 7am. No more music. Anyone who breaks the rules will be severely punished.

On Tuesday, there will be a full moon. The first full moon you will have been allowed to experience since your arrival. Thank Steve.
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Monday, April 20th, 2020

Attention Subjects:

Team Rogers has failed and therefore will be punished. Steven Rogers, you must choose a sacrifice to punish. You may not choose one you've sacrificed before. Then you must choose a number from 1-28. Choose wisely. Additionally, Team Rogers will have to walk around without shoes for one week.

Team Stark has succeeded. You will all be rewarded with housing of your choice. You may choose your roommates and if approved, you may live together.
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Sunday, April 19th, 2020

Team leaders: Surrender six subjects each immediately. They are to attend the church alone. No weapons.


Team leaders must use every member of their team for experiments and may not use the same team members over and over. You may include yourself in the 6.
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