Thursday, July 30th, 2020

List Of Adoptable Children

Micah Adopted by Steve Rogers
Max Adopted by Joy Meachum
Evan Adopted by Steve Rogers
Peter Adopted by Tony Stark and Paprika Puffs
Ned Adopted by Tony Stark and Paprika Poots
MJ Adopted by Bucktanon Barnelbus
Dorian Adopted by Steve Rogers
Brick Adopted by Bucktanon Barnelbus
Mouse Adopted by Emma Smith and Sam Winchester
Cole Adopted by Jim Halpert
Lesley Adopted by Guillotine
Agnes Adopted by Cornelius
Camille Adopted by Buffy Cornelius
Diego Adopted by Harper, Dionne, and Stan Roberts
Carl Adopted by Joy Meachum
Stiles Jason and Cady Stalvern
Stiles Jason and Cady Stalvern
Jam Adopted by Oz and Lorraine Dufresne
Miercoles Adopted by Finn and Annie
Penny Adopted by Josh Collins
Mandy Adopted by Dean Winchester
Duck Adopted by Mason Reed and Lucretia Skye
West Adopted by Guillotin
Cannibal Adopted by Pietro Maximoff
Nina Alex Mulloy and Ward Meachum
Kaya Adopted by Oz and Lorraine Dufresne
Taya Adopted by Harper, Dionne, and Stan Roberts
Polly Adopted by Oz and Lorraine Dufresne
Carson Adopted by Mason Reed and Lucretia Skye
Smiley Adopted by Natasha Romanoff
Blake Adopted by Alex Mulloy and Ward Meachum
Pat Adopted by Natasha Romanoff
Karen Adopted by Katherine Pierce
Minnie Adopted by Natasha Romanoff
Faye Adopted by Mason Reed and Lucretia Skye
Hickory Adopted by Wanda Maximoff
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Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020

Cordy Spam

[With supplies almost out, he has to make some tough decisions with his rations. He stocks some up for Penny and his friends, but also to Cordelia because she's one fly lady. He knocks on her door to deliver it. They're all going to die soon anyway, he might as well go out making Cap proud -- wherever he is.]
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Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

So, I don't want to alarm anyone but all the Avengers have been taken on an experiment -- I think? The scientists said they were leaving so I don't know, and we're running out of animals to kill for food.
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Thursday, April 23rd, 2020

So I'm about to leave since I clearly can't get Steve to cooperate. I'm sorry for anything and everything that happens to you all as a consequence.
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Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

Open Spam

[He's pretty sure he died. Seth called him to the front of the room during the meeting and the second he turned to face the room he woke up here. He picks up the supplies around him and walks with a woozy feeling in his head down to the town. There's a lot of commotion here, he sees drones flying and children walking to a school with books in their hands. What is this place? He spots an oasis of food and walks over, picking some up with his hands. He didn't realize how hungry he was until right now. He dips his lips into the savory broth, warm nourishment filling him up, it dribbles down his chin and onto his old shirt. His clothes look like he just got out of a fight but he's miraculously healed from the battle.]
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Avengers + Adult Allies

One of the scientists running this place is here. He's in the church. If you can find the strength not to kill the jack ass, come on over.
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Monday, April 20th, 2020


This is going to sound super weird but I think we're supposed to be bffs.

Adults 21+
So how about all of us hang out or something? I just want to get to know who I'm being held hostage with and see if we can make friends.

Spam for Jason
[She knocks on the door. She needs to apologize to Cady. She doesn't realize she's not there.]
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Friday, April 17th, 2020

Mentoring Spams Below

[He sits in a room with Captain America, not sure what exactly this all means. He decides he'd just better start talking before Cap begins.]
I get why Oatie had to die. He fucked up. There's a line you just don't cross and he crossed it. How do you rape someone? How does it even work? I can't even imagine my dick getting hard in that kind of situation, you know? Like that's some sick depraved shit -- oh sorry. [He says, catching his bad language] It's sick and it's unforgivable. I'm not sad that he got punished for raping that girl. He deserved it -- but... we didn't. [He sighs] I'm tired of watching people that I care about die in front of me. And it's like I'm the common denominator here. I can't save anyone. I'm not good enough. I don't trust myself to do the right thing, even though I want to do it. I don't -- I don't even know what the right thing is. I don't wanna ruin everything anymore, Cap. It feels wrong saying it... I was never allowed to say no. When I'd try, Seth would always do something crazy and over the top. The beatings were pretty easy to deal with, you know? Those get stale pretty fast but the chest was [he shudders. His voice quiets] and he'd just keep me in there for days. He kept me in there for three days once.

[He leans forward and puts his head in his hands.]
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Thursday, April 16th, 2020

Avengers (Backdated to a few days ago)

So, I talked with Carson. I think we need to come up with a system where people can donate blood to her through blood bags. It'll keep her fed it'll be less riskier for everyone that way.
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Monday, April 13th, 2020

Attention Subjects:

There will be a mixer in the gymnasium tonight. The thrift is now stocked with appropriate formal clothes and accessories in appropriate sizes. Attendance is mandatory. Everyone must dance to at least three songs with three different partners. Everyone is required to ask a "date" platonic or otherwise. You are not required to like or even spend any time with this date but you must attend the dance together. Everyone is required to taste the delicious punch our team prepared. Supernatural metabolisms are suspended during this experiment.
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Friday, April 10th, 2020

Town Meeting/ Narratives of the day

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What the hell was that noise?
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Thursday, April 9th, 2020

Why do I feel like I missed something important? Why are so many kids around here injured all of a sudden?
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Spam for Carson

[Knocks on Carson's door and waits.]
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Interrogations/Medical assistance below
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Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

Attention Subjects:

The Cabin experiment was a complete and utter failure. Thank you for nothing. No points awarded.

Faith Lehane - You have been assigned to Category 3 Housing
Ward Meachum - You have been assigned to Category 1 Housing
Joy Meachum - You have been assigned to Category 8 Housing

Captain Rogers and Captain Stark, submit one tribute each for punishment for your failure. You may not choose yourselves, you may not choose your lowest ranking member or someone you have submitted for punishment before.
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Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Spams/Narratives of the day

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Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

Spams Beloww

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Friday, March 27th, 2020

Avengers + Medics

I analyzed Mary's bloodwork and found something strange. She doesn't have any infected cells, all of her cells are virus cells. No platelets, no white blood cells, no red blood cells, just virus. I've never seen anything like this in my life, but I don't know how we could tackle this.
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Open Spam

[She screams when she sees Bruce coming at her with a needle. She kicks and fights and bites and tries to run away.]
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