March 19th, 2010

The Divide Out of Character Community


March 19th, 2010

You Can't Always Get What You Want...

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As you may have noticed, we've just about finished off those pesky nanites! The end of this plot signals a slight change in direction for the comm- and as such we'd like to offer you an opportunity to give us insight into what it is you want to get out of the game for each of your characters.

Yes, ladies and gents, this is the post where you get to tell us what you want, entirely without having to think about existing plot.

Basically, as all roleplay is a kind of interactive writing project with multiple authors, it's just not possible for everyone to get their way all the time- but it is entirely within the realms of possibility for everyone to have their moment to shine. In the comments below we invite you to let us know what one crowning achievement you would like to see your character have- an action, a personal development, etc- anything goes. Where possible it would be best not to include other characters- focus on what you would like to see your characters do or be- but we recognise that sometimes a character's life goal can centre around someone else. Just be aware these may be harder to achieve and will require the co-operation of the other player.

By letting us know what it is you want to achieve with your gameplay, we can try and ensure the game is fun for everyone!
(Comments screened so you can gush without embarrassment!)
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