February 14th, 2010

The Divide Out of Character Community


February 14th, 2010

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*waves from newbie corner*

Hello everyone, my name is Bunny. I'm bringing in this ray of sunshine, Cissie King-Jones. Otherwise known as Arrowette from the Young Justice days. Don't know who that is? Well don't feel bad. Very few people do it seems. Let's just say that she's just like all the other little blond archers around with one bonus, she's got a gold medal! Also she's NOT the daughter of Oliver Queen, even if lots of people in the fandom things she is.

Right. Anyways. Her app is in her journal, along with a handy HMD post and a post for any plots you might want her for. But you can also contact me through EMAIL [] or on AIM [NittleGrasper083].

As for her intro... I was hoping to snag one of the DC heroes? Maybe Kon, Bart, or Tim? Young Justice reunion for the WIN?

But if not that, anything is really good for me.

Can't wait to get in and play!!


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Okay, so I've been MIA for quiiiite a while, and I apologize. Because I've been on hiatus for so long, it doesn't really make sense that Steph's just been mysteriously off the radar for the entire time. I'd like to get back involved but my head's not in it right now and rp for me lately's been a bit of a struggle. I'm gonna go ahead and say she's been taken out for a while now, and she'll be back when/if I figure out how I'm gonna proceed or if I'll have time to. :[

So, brb some more, sorry guys.
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