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[10 Feb 2010|03:41pm]
Hi everyone. I'm Mel with Andromeda Tonks.

She's at home, with her baby grandson and probably doesn't know what's happened yet, which is sort of sad, I guess.
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[10 Feb 2010|07:50pm]
Hey guys!

I thought I should intro myself, because I've just been really lazy :/ I'm Bee and I shall be playing Mandy Brocklehurst and Theodore Nott. Mandy's DA (joined this last year)and helped fight in the battle, though only after she helped usher some of the kids to Hogsmeade. She probably want that brilliant, but it'd be good to have some people she ran across or tried to hex her. I'm all fopr ending her in the hospital wing, though dunno if how minor.

Then Theo's a 7th year Slytherin who as far as anyone's aware was in Hogsmeade during the battle. He was involved but only in a minor capacity fighting for the DE's I'm still not sure how he's gotten out but yeah...

Anyway, hope to play with all of oyu! I can be found on AIM at Mandy Nott Lilly
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[10 Feb 2010|10:39pm]
Hi guys, my name's Andy. I was going to be lazy and not do this but then I was like 'come on girl, you play Harry, that's like uber laziness. What if people have QUESTIONS?' So yeah, here it is. Everyone knows where he is and what he's been doing, so let's see what'll happen next :)

Right now he's sleeping till noon, or until someone wakes him up.
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