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backscene: drove through ghosts to get here [17 Oct 2010|12:30pm]
Who: Arya Oros and Paeral Tharelle (NPC)
What: Arya explores the alienage of her childhood and struggles to remember what her family was like. Lucky for her, their neighbor still lives next door to their old house.
When: 9:45, 5 Nubulis
Where: Denerim Alienage
Rating: E for everyone? Probably going to get sad.

Do you remember who used to live here? )
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[17 Oct 2010|12:46pm]
Who: Coan Bryland & Talfryn Armstead
What: Coan really needs to talk his problems off.
When: 30 Molioris, 9:45 ; evening
Where: the Arl's castle
Rating: S for sappy. Man hugging and possible crying ahead. You have been warned.

...he was more upset with himself for being so petulant. )
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Sometimes, big things come in small packages [17 Oct 2010|07:53pm]
Who: Brennan Wulfe and Roran Ághas
What: Brennan needs to make sure that his secret is safe, and that means making sure that someone doesn't talk about it. The first of two that he finds is the short one.
When: 9:45, 29 Molioris, right after the fighting
Where: Redcliffe
Rating: S for Short and T for Tall. In the same thread.

What's a little thing like you doing with such sharp knives? )
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[ viewing | October 17th, 2010 ]
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