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[26 Feb 2010|03:16am]
Who: Ashya Devar and Loïc Arkaitz.
When: Roughly 9:43 Dragon.
Where: A dormitory in the Circle Tower.
What: Ashya crashes sleeptiem.
Rating: Probably G but you never know with Ash. XD

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narrative: prelude [26 Feb 2010|11:36am]
(Part I of II)
Who: Constans and Desiderio Ledaal.
Where Vigil's Keep.
When: Evening of 12 Molioris, 9:45.
Summary: Desiderio has two-thirds of a conversation with himself. Constans talks, but it remains to be seen if Desi listens.
Rating: T, little bit of swearing.

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Character Narrative: 365 Days in Aeonar (Part One) [26 Feb 2010|01:14pm]
Who: Deidre "Dee" Aisli
NPCs: Ser Jonathan Vardic, Sister Justine
Where: The Northern Fortress-Prison of Aeonar, in an undisclosed location in Ferelden
When: 9:42 Dragon; From 27th of Solis to 14th of Parvulis
Rating: Safe

A Chantry investigation reveals that Deidre has withheld information from her superiors, namely encountering the Keeper's First, Faer Arandil, in the Brecilian Forest and not reporting his whereabouts to the templars. She is suspended from Chantry expeditions for a year. For 365 days, her usual haunts are bereft of her presence, most of those close to her unaware as to where she had gone.

Some say her official sentence was too light, her punishment too lenient.

The followers of Andraste, however, are not so forgiving when one is suspected of being an apostate-sympathizer.


Regardless of the careful arrangement of patrician lines that made up his face, enough to give him the look that most aristocrats favored, dressing him in anything other than what he wore now would not have been enough to hide what he was. )
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what do you mean you've never owned a gown before [26 Feb 2010|02:24pm]
Who: Signy Dagna, Falina Bjyr
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: 15 Molioris. Daytime. After the meetings.
Summary: Shopping. Serious business here.
Rating: G.

the two of you should be playing with flowers and trying on gowns, not heading off to war )
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Affirmation [26 Feb 2010|10:28pm]
Who: Falina Bjyr, Cormac Murrough, and of course Shartan
Where: Vigil's Keep
When: 13 Molioris, 9:45. Evening.
In which Falina chooses a new family, and Cormac learns how to hug.
Rating: T for language, because it's Cormac. Duh.
Status: Complete

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Surprises [26 Feb 2010|11:44pm]
Who: Cormac Murrough, Imenry Barras
Where: Vigil's Keep
When: 14 Molioris, 9:45. Late afternoon
Summary: Imenry runs into Cormac on his way to the bath, and they talk. TALK!
Rating: T for partial nudity, language
Status: Complete

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Backscene: No One Knows the Trouble I've Known [26 Feb 2010|11:50pm]
Who:  Davin Athirus, Ordhan Wyland
Where:  The Denerim Alienage
When:  22 Matrinalis, Dragon 9:27
Summary:  The first day of guard duty in the Alienage isn't as uneventful as Ordhan hoped it would be.
Rating:  PG

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