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[19 Feb 2010|09:58am]
Who: Nerys Ronain, Russil Flann (NPC)
Where: Castle Redcliffe, knight quarters
When: Evening, Mid Eluviesta, 9:45
Summary: On the night that Ser Russil Flann leaves for Amaranthine, Nerys comes around to say her awkward farewell.
Rating: K
You're terrible at goodbyes. )
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Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant. [19 Feb 2010|05:35pm]
Who: The Grey Warden recruits
NPCs: Alistair Theirin, Allan Maivia, Mona Seward, Aedan Maivia, Rudyerd Franklin
Where: Vigil's Keep, Amaranthine
When: Evening, 13 Molioris, 9:45.
Summary: The Joining ceremony commences.
Rating: T.
Join us brothers and sisters. )
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Waiting [19 Feb 2010|07:17pm]
Who: The companions of the future Grey Wardens
Where: Amaranthine
When: Evening, 13 Molioris, 9:45, concurrent of The Joining
Summary: There are those who have been chosen to embrace their destinies as Grey Wardens - and then there are those who wait, and the waiting may well be the harder part of the bargain.
Rating: PG-13?
Vigil's Keep was eerily silent, as if those who dwelt within already mourned. )
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