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Narrative: The Lowlanders [30 Jan 2010|12:02am]
Who: Imenry Barras, 5 Horrible Attackers
Where: The base of the Gammordan Peaks
When: 9:42, 11 Umbralis
Summary: Having recently left home, not dealing with the deaths of her parents, Imenry is ambushed in her sleep. It does not go well for her, or her attackers.
Rating: M for Violence. Very... violent.

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Part One: Secret [30 Jan 2010|12:49am]
Who: Thais Keigwin and Senior Enchanter Orestes
Where: Circle Tower [of course]
When: 9:41 Parvulis
Summary: Thais gets closer to Senior Enchanter Orestes in a most peculiar way.
Rating: X [sexy tiemz, bondage, stares, etc]
Part One of Five

Everybody Wants to Have a Secret )
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the naming of a great many things [30 Jan 2010|01:09am]
Who: Signy, Imenry Barras, possibly other members of Alistair's kind of enormous caravan?
Where: Between the Southron Hills and the outskirts of the Brecilian Forest
When: Last week of Eluviesta, 9:45 - in fact, the last day.
Summary: Above ground for a few weeks now, Signy has fallen into a pattern of collecting questions and systematically attaining their answers—with a little help here and there.
Rating: Should be fine for all / G.

curiosity and fear were opposing emotions, but the desire to know would, as always, slowly win out over the desire to hide beneath the barely-comforting cover of the wagon tarp )
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backscene: dark blue, not black [30 Jan 2010|08:27am]

Who: Falina Bjyr, Coan Bryland

Where: Merchant camp, Orzammar

When: The final week of Eluviesta, the morning after the dwarf party thread, 9:45 Dragon

Summary: [Complete] It's the morning, a few hours before the party will be putting Orzammar behind them. Falina, having not slept particularly well, wanders out of her tent to find a relaxed, if a little despondent looking Coan.

Rating: T. Possible language. Possible Mabari Glomping.


Coan talked too much the evening before, but he was undoubtedly kind. He looked around Orzammar with the same fascination that she imagined the dwarves took in the surface."></ )


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backscene: pattering of feet [30 Jan 2010|01:13pm]

Who: Falina Bjyr, Rhocanth Garal

Where: Chantry, Lothering

When: The final week of Eluviesta, a few days before the arrival at the Brec. Forest, 9:45 Dragon

Summary: [Complete] Rolling storms have taken the dwarf party by surprise, and they find refuge in the Chantry at Lothering. Falina has been struggling with her status as a potential new Grey Warden, and her role within the party dynamic. Rhocanth struggles moving past his own sense of loss.

Rating: T. Possible language.


She tucked her knees against her chest, and listened to the approaching footsteps.  )


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[30 Jan 2010|02:29pm]
Who: Israa Nilas
NPCs: Felip Nilas & Gramma Perikins
When: 9:28 Solis
Where: The Perikins home near the Waking Sea Bannorn
What: Israa is waiting for her history lesson with her father.
Rating: K

She'll serve her lady, not some band of assassins from the north. Unless the Bann is in need of assassins, of course. )
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