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Not a Wolf [07 Jan 2010|02:41pm]
Who: Falina Bjyr & Cormac Murrough
When: 9:45; The third week of Eluviesta
Where: Gates of Orzammar, the merchant camp
What: Falina Bjyr finds that not only does money buy warm clothes, but it buys big, hulking, broody mercenary types.
Rating: T - Language
Status: Complete

alright kid, I'll play along )
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[07 Jan 2010|08:30pm]
Who: Israa Nilas
When: First Week of Molioris ; 9:45
Where: Just north of Lake Calenhad
What: Israa is on her way south from the Bannorn

Israa knew she wasn't going to get much sleep that night. )

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narrative: Yesterday's Memories [07 Jan 2010|09:01pm]
Who: Thais Keigwin, Her mentor (Athanael), Random Tower people
Where: Circle Tower
When: 9:19-9:44
Summary: Memories of Thais’s life.
Rating: M (Sexy times, Tranquil Abuse, language, violence, stuff that makes a good movie)

Seems like yesterday... )
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Backscene: Kinloch Hold [07 Jan 2010|10:40pm]
Who: Ashya Devar, Bethen Avilla, Alderic Thearre
Where: Library, Kinloch Hold
When: 9:41
Summary: Ashya is dying to ask Bethen a question. Even better with Alderic around.
Rating: PG-13?

Sorry to interrupt... )
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[ viewing | January 7th, 2010 ]
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