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Character Narrative: Descent into the Lowlands [22 Dec 2009|01:19pm]

Who: Imenry Barras
Where: Gammordan Peaks, somewhere over the Uthemiel Plateau
When: 9:42 (late in the year)
Summary: After the attack on her town and deaths of her parents, Imenry leaves the mountains in a rush, and thinks back on how her life has changed in the blink of an eye. Much denial and lack of grieving ensues.
Rating: G




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backscene: blood and magic [22 Dec 2009|02:16pm]
Who: Aurin Demarc, Bethen Avilla, Constans Ledaal.
Where: Kinloch Hold.
When: A little over two years ago, and too damn early in the morning.
Summary: Constans desperately needs Bethen's help, but what could he have been doing to get into so much trouble?
Rating: T, for vague blood and pottymouth.

It wasn’t quite dawn, not that it would have been easy to tell. )
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Scene: Denerim [22 Dec 2009|07:13pm]
Who: Maughlei Ailemer, anyone else who wishes to come into contact
Where: Denerim
When: 9:45 Dragon, mid morning
Summary: Maughlei arrives in Denerim, unsure of what her plans are.
Rating: T, just in case.

It had been a long journey. )
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[ viewing | December 22nd, 2009 ]
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