January 4th, 2009

[info]wickedways in [info]thedarkcity

Lexi, Tyler and Regan )

Harry )

Angel )

[info]wickedways in [info]thedarkcity

Alec )

[info]somethingwild in [info]thedarkcity

Alyx )

[info]fuckingevil in [info]thedarkcity

Ryan )

[info]always_there in [info]thedarkcity

Tyler )

[info]angelofthelord in [info]thedarkcity

It's 80's Night at Square Zero.

Kris, I wanna see some big hair.

[info]bringyoutrouble in [info]thedarkcity

Ryan )

Josh )

Britney, no more games, no more waiting. Let's just do this.

[info]chosenforevil in [info]thedarkcity

Faith )

I need a case to work on. I can't keep sitting around.

[info]dark_wings in [info]thedarkcity

Dean )

[info]fallenangel in [info]thedarkcity

Sam )

[info]heart_sobig in [info]thedarkcity

Dean and Sam )

[info]live_alie in [info]thedarkcity

Faith )

Cassie )

Josh )

Dean )

[info]losemyway in [info]thedarkcity

Ugh. I need out of here. A party or something.

[info]monty_cora in [info]thedarkcity

Kris, I am not dressing up for 80's night, so just drop it.

Nic )

[info]rogue_slayer in [info]thedarkcity

Alyx and Alec )

Dean )

[info]cosmo_girl in [info]thedarkcity

Ryan. Where are you?