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Macvarish - IC Intros

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wgn kara [12 Jan 2008|08:41pm]

hi everyone! I'm Kara, and you probably see me on your TV every afternoon on WGN. I'm recently engaged to Chicago Bulls player Jesse Chapman and have been raising our beautiful son for 7 years.

What's the most interesting word you've ever heard?
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[12 Jan 2008|01:22pm]

hey everyone I'm Elie...and I'm kind of horrible at introductions, so please excuse this one.
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xander raises hell [10 Jan 2008|03:12pm]

So I've lived here for 7 months now and still met hardly anyone.

Is it me? It better not be.

Xander Sullivan. 19. Lives with best friend (Stephen Matthews) at said best friend's mom's house. OWNS an auto repair/custom vehicle/hot rod shop in downtown Chicago. We're called Deathbat Customs. Check us out. I promise if you comment here first, you'll get a one time discount and I'll make sure Stephen doesn't steal your car again.
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Cute like Chloe [09 Jan 2008|10:28pm]

I know absolutely nothing about this city. Scratch that, right now I feel like I know absolutely nothing about everything. Not many know the feeling of having everything done for you all your life and then thrown out into the world wondering what to do next. Hate me because I'm some spoiled rich kid and you've had a hard life well life isn't easy on anyone. Karma gets us all I suppose. I feel like a toy thrown aside because the kid is bored with it. I need some basic on the job training and a rather entry level position so if anyone is hiring, I'm a clean slate wanting to learn I suppose. I need to start somewhere right? And I need to stop living out of suitcases. At least this hotel has internet, and I had money stored up from birthdays and yes I really do talk this much all the time. Sorry.

-Chloe ^.~v
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Artist Vilhelm [09 Jan 2008|01:38am]

I have no idea what to say here. so I will stick with I'm Vilhelm. I'm new here and I look forward to investigating the art scene.
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ohemgeeitscaleb [09 Jan 2008|12:44am]

I'm Caleb. I'm new to the city and don't get out much sooo...Give me some of your favorite places in this city! Parks, clubs, ice cream places, I don't care.
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[08 Jan 2008|01:42am]

Hi! I'm Jaz. Haven't been here long, so you probably don't know me, but gosh, it's nice to meet you all.

So, uh.

..What's your favorite kind of torture?
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Good Afternoon Chicago [07 Jan 2008|10:31pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Hello everyone. You may not know who I am, though I've been in this city for nearly two and a half years, but hopefully you know of me. Or my resturant anyway! It's The Blue Willow, and we serve some good old fashioned southern classics mixed with a little from the rest of the world. Come check us out if you haven't already.

As for me? You may have seen me on the TVFood network on my momma's show, among others. Not that I'm trying to sound full of myself, I'm not, really. Despite what some people [info]charlie_sophia might think. I grew up in Savannah, I went to school in NY and worked in NYC before coming here. Anything else you want to know, just ask me, I'm a pretty open guy.

RobbieSBlue - if you can catch me on there.

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