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The Main Game Comm

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Notice [4:37pm Sunday, October 5th, 2008]
This game is being put on the shelf. Thank you for choosing to app and play here, but the mods have decided there isn't enough energy to go around.

If you're interested in a new setting to play your characters, may I suggest one of the following pan fandom games with the message boards/logging community set up:

[info]jeweledfantasy (set within a sex club. All characters must be legal, consenting adults)
drop a note

Mod Post [1:49pm Sunday, September 7th, 2008]

Role Call here be counted by Septmber 14, 2008 or you will be removed.
drop a note

[1:53pm Wednesday, August 27th, 2008]

C'mout, c'mout wherever you are...

Angel )
(20) drop a note

[8:37pm Monday, August 4th, 2008]


Is everyone always this boring or did I just not get the memo?
drop a note

[6:05pm Tuesday, July 29th, 2008]

Alright alright im here now,and with open office hours!

Hello loveys.Im a bit new at this...Anyone in need of an appointment?

Office Hours:
Monday: 9:30-10:30,1-2,2-3,3-3:30
Tuesdays: 9:30-10:30,1-2, 2-3
Thursdays: 9:30-10:30 Only
drop a note

[10:51am Tuesday, July 29th, 2008]

Would it actually kill you docters to get a daily planet subscription?I know no news is good news but damn.
drop a note

[8:50pm Monday, July 28th, 2008]

smile,it confuses people.

(and who the hell do I have to sleep with to get a decent book around here.)
(12) drop a note

[1:39am Monday, July 28th, 2008]

All right you lot. I've only got a couple of slots open, so my lovelies, first come first serve. If you'd like to see me as your therapist, this is what I have open.

Monday's: 2-2:30, 2:30-3, 3-3:30
Wednesday's: 3:30-4
Friday: 2-2:30, 2:30-3, 3-3:30, 3:30-4

Let me know if you want one of these. I might make more appointments if people want them.

I'm very... open.

And if you're all lucky, I might have group therapy. I bet that will be fun.
(19) drop a note

[12:32am Monday, July 28th, 2008]

Right, so like, while I can totally see now, how reproduction could be classified as a mental illness, and teenage pregnancy straight-up insanity, don't you think that shipping me off to Alcatraz or... Azkaban, or wherever the Hell this is, was a little harsh?

Besides, don't I need a doctor to... shake rattles over my stomach or something, to make sure that it cooks all the way through or whatever? I don't see this place as taking our HMO, Bren.

Seriously. Joke's over.
(46) drop a note

[2:23pm Sunday, July 27th, 2008]

Oi, s'this thing even on? Ain't nobody been by to make my bed.

Right shameful housekeeping, this hotel's got.
(28) drop a note

[9:26pm Saturday, July 26th, 2008]

[ mood | confused ]

I don't really understand this, I'm fine. Okay maybe not fine but I was coping better than I have before and under the circumstances I think I have every right to be depressed, yeah?

I'm not paying for this place, right?

(2) drop a note

[4:51pm Thursday, July 24th, 2008]
...Alright, joke's over.

Who do I have to drug to get out of this damn place? Or at least get decent cable?
(22) drop a note

[10:07pm Monday, July 14th, 2008]

Who: Aziraphale and Crowley
What: A friendly game of chess
When/Where: This weekend, in the back of Zira's bookshop in London
Warnings: Cheating

The game had been dragging on for hours, making Aziraphale suspicious that Crowley hadn't tried to cheat yet. The big move was coming. Some sort of distraction. He anticipated it, waiting for Crowley to implore him to look to the window, or down at an imaginary stain on his shirt, something to take his attention off the board. He wasn't going to fall for it, he'd decided, not this time.

"My dear, I do say," he started, deciding he'd distract Crowley from trying to distract him. "The price of petrol has gotten ridiculously out of proportion. Isn't there something we might do?" Zira leaned forward, half shadowing the game board between them as Crowley studied the pieces, presumably calculating his next move.
(38) drop a note

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