OOC Comm for The Quadrangle

February 25th, 2011

OOC Comm for The Quadrangle


February 25th, 2011

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So... Jean's going to be making her way back to actual society in about a week or so, with very, very basic telepathic shields (which, of course, means that they can drop at any moment if she'd not concentrating enough or if she gets flustered or upset). But I know telepathy is a tricky thing in RP and I want to make sure that I don't do anything godmoddish (and I know there are a lot of characters with big secrets that can't come out without ruining their plot and stuff), so I'll probably poke anyone she scenes with to see what is and isn't okay to 'overhear'. And if you prefer your character keeps their mind to themselves, totally cool! I'll just be all hand wavey with the 'her shields stayed up' thing:D Or, if there's anything you do want overheard, they can randomly drop for that.

So, basically! If there's anything in particular people have for their characters that they do want overheard/coming out, I would love scenes. But I can also just limit Jean to her shields dropping around random NPCS:D

Happy Friday!

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Helloooo! It's Jen again with number 10. This is Dead Girl, a recently murdered hippie actress. Because she can't eat, sleep or die, she's turned into a risk-seeking adrenaline junky obsessed with trying to feel alive again.

And, yes, her name really is Moonbeam. It's canon. I don't know why.
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