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STORYLINES WANTED! [13 Jun 2008|01:41pm]
I'd really love any of these storylines HERE filled. I'm looking for quality roleplayers who can also deliver depth into their threads. I'm not looking for any AIM scenes. As I've said before, I want depth, which means I'm looking for those who can produce more then a couple sentences. Roleplay samples would be nice. Mine can be located on my journal. If you're interested in roleplaying any threads PM, comment, or contact me at

I prefer to play on communities. Thus, you create your own journal for a specific character and I'll have mine, and we roleplay over on comm's. It's much neater and organized that way. But I'm not picky.

Also looking for any Buffy/Angel(us), or Faith/Angel(us) psls
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[ viewing | June 13th, 2008 ]
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