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Introductions and Main

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Buon giorno! [13 Mar 2008|01:16pm]
Buon Giorno! I am Dominico Rossi, owner of the Bellagio hotel and casino. Welcome!

To all of my guests, please...enjoy yourselves. We are at your service.

To all of my wonderful employees, work hard, but also make sure you take time to play! Stress in a killer and we can all work together to keep that from getting to us, no?

To my family, Ti amo.

And with keeping with the silly introduction questions:

Please, introduce yourself and tell me your favorite game to play!

If you need me, please call me:
42 post

Kiss Kiss Benny [13 Mar 2008|06:47pm]
Oh awesome, I'm the first.

Okay so hi I'm Ben Rossi, but I prefer Benny, something more lighthearted about it. I don't actually have much to say so let's go with one of those random questions that is in no way related to this post...who are you and what is your favourite flavour of ice cream?
26 post

up beat Adam [13 Mar 2008|09:57pm]
Hi all I'm Adam Parker, Your friendly lifeguard. I've been working here since I was nineteen and I have to say it's a pretty cool job, sitting by the pool all day and getting paid for it. Anyway my question is what is your favourite day of the week?
5 post

[ viewing | March 13th, 2008 ]
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