In These Stones Horizons Sing

May 28th, 2009

The Out of Character Community


May 28th, 2009

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Right, so. I'm Misha. Probably introduced myself a time or two before. But I havne't really gotten my kids in to play here, because I've had a lot going on with the school year winding down and what not. But I'm on summer break, now until August 3, so I have more time and more...focus, to lend to RP. And so, here I am.

I just apped this pretty boy today. This is Charlie Crews, from Life. He's coming from the end of S2, the end of the series. He's been out of prison about 2 years, after serving 12 years on a murder charge. He found and coerced a confession out of the guilty killer, but his name is still associated with the murders and there's a lot of unanswered questions.

I've got three others, right now. Crowley from Good Omens, Edward and Henry from My Own Worst Enemy, and Edward Sexby from The Devil's Whore. All four of them will post, tonight/tomorrow/over the next couple of days. Yes. They're all open to plot and fun times. Bring it on.
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