The Alley RPG

August 29th, 2008

August 29th, 2008

Kat! Katikins! Don't tell me you've left me to become a hermit!

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Who: Alicia Spinnet & Katie Bell
What: Two friends finding each other again in this terrifying time of uncertainty and chaos. Or, you know, a cheerful reunion and some girl talk. :)
Where: Katie's flat
When: August 21st, 2004
Warnings: Some naughty talk?

Lovely chap. Very helpful. When I asked if there was a raven-haired beauty with a penchant for red with polka dots living here, he seemed to know just who I was talking about.

It's like we're drawn together by an otherworldly attraction sometimes. We simply can't deny it.

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Who: Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, and George Weasley
When: The evening of the 28th - following this
Where: George's flat
What: Ali joins Katie and George for a movie night. Hilarity ensues.

I swear, when we're freed from Diagon, I'm running off with Johnny Depp and leaving you two scoundrels behind. I think that he would take the news that I'm a witch rather well, really.

Just like I shall never reveal the secret to nosebleed nougats.

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Who: Alicia Spinnet & George Weasley
What: Alicia and George do a little catching up.
Where: George's shop
When: August 21st, 2004, late afternoon

That's fantastic, George! Especially as I'm going to force you to take me to dinner sometime in the not-too-distant future. Or possibly brunch. I have yet to decide.
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