The Sims Asylum

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Sunday, May 4th, 2008
1:52p - A small bug that I encountered.

When one of my Sims was in college, I used the Matchmaker and $5,000 to have her warp up a Blind Date. It happened to be the guy who is in charge of the Science hobbies' center, Jase. After my Sim graduated from college, she married Jase and he moved into her house. They married at the Science hobbies' center and then took a cab back to her house, and then I encounter the bug I write about.

Jase's picture did not show up at all with my Sim on the blue Family loading screen. It was just my Sim by her lonesome.

I'm a little bit confused, although it's relatively minor. Is it because he's the head of one of the Hobbies' centers? Did I somehow mess up the Science hobbies' center by doing this, having her marry the guy who was the lead/in charge of it? Any input would be appreciated.

current mood: curious

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3:10p - The Blackblade Clan


Prologue through Chapter 2 are up. Chapter 3 coming soon.

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