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Sunday, October 12th, 2008

    Time Event
    Another Bottle of Champagne (Peter/Rose fic)
    LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]xebgoc)

    Title – Another Bottle of Champagne, 1/1
    Author – xebgoc
    Rating – MA
    Pairing – Peter Carlisle/Rose Tyler, OCs Elias and Ruby McCoy
    Spoilers – None
    Disclaimer – Characters from Blackpool and Doctor Who are the property of the BBC. I usurp them with the greatest of love and respect; no profit is intended from the writing or sharing of this story.
    Summary – Peter and Rose have a celebratory dinner with Ruby and Elias and then they go home and wake up the next morning.

    Author’s Notes – 1. I can not begin to express how much fun I have writing these stories, but I could not do so without the incredible world that [info]jlrpuck has created and I can not stress enough how grateful I am to her for her willingness to let me invade her Peter/Rose territory with grace and amazing beta skills, it is more than I could have hoped for… THANK YOU !

    2. With our illustrious author, [info]jlrpuck out on walkabout around the UK (and making most of us jealous beyond measure on so many levels) we decided this would be a good time to post this story - so that you're not all left completely high and dry for the whole week.

    and so… follow the cut. And please note - when I say that this is tagged MA, I mean it.

    Another Bottle of Champagne

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