May 5th, 2013

[info]smccall in [info]the_nowhere

Well I guess since it looks like I won't be leaving this place for a while, I might as well introduce myself. The name's Morgan, Sam Morgan. Saying it that way makes me sound more professional as a PI, don't you think?

Yes, I'm a PI and you better believe I'm trying to figure out what the hell happened. I'll keep you all posted on what I find out, though it looks like this is going to be a pretty hard case with no one around here knowing anything. I suppose it's a comfort that we're all in the same position and no person knows more than the other. I'm currently eight months pregnant and if you ask nicely, I may just let you rub my belly. Just don't do it without asking unless you want your hand slapped. Anyone know where I can find some baby supplies around here? I might as well start setting up a nursery for my baby boy. He'll be here before I know it. Some bullets would be nice too because my gun traveled here with me but not my back up supply of bullets. A girl has to protect herself after all.

If you haven't already guessed, I tend to ramble. Don't hesitate to tell me to shut up if you get tired of it. I've been told my rambles can be exhausting so I wouldn't blame you if you did that.