Welcome to the Nexus - May 27th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Welcome to the Nexus

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May 27th, 2012

[May. 27th, 2012|06:55 pm]
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Aang is bathing and grooming Appa in the Nexus, far enough from the Sign that no new arrivals will get wet from Sky Bison unless they are exceptionally unlucky. As you can imagine, it's a bit of a production, even if Aang has somehow borrowed buckets and a hose and a lot of pet shampoo. Seriously, a lot.

He's barefoot and half-dressed, and there's giant clumps of bison fur around from Appa. Momo is off to the side, using Appa's tack as a hiding place.

"Poor Appa. His summer coat is finally coming in, and that always makes a mess. You'll feel better once we get this off, boy."

"Does anyone want to help? We can go for a ride later, after Appa dries off."
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