Welcome to the Nexus - August 19th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 19th, 2010

Nexus, meet Marla... [Aug. 19th, 2010|08:36 pm]
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There is a woman in the Nexus, which isn't terribly unusual -- there are many women in the Nexus. She is dressed casually, and the flip flops and T-shirt hint that she probably came from somewhere warmer. There is a tote bag -- a touristy affair with a palm tree and 'Maui' written on it -- full of odds and ends in her left hand. The dagger hanging from a belt around her waist -- the very magical dagger, despite the fact someone wrapped the handle in colored electrical tape -- hint that she's probably either the sort who is paranoid or threatened enough to wear a knife to the beach.

She regarded the sign with some seriousness. "Shit, B was right," she said softly. "Rondeau?" She looks around, sighing. "You better have just wandered off for a drink or something."

Marla slouched on one of the chairs nearby. "Okay, so questions. How many of you people have had a home? I don't mean somewhere where you keep your crap or the shithole town you happened to be born, but a place where you felt like you belong."

(Probably will be spoilers for Broken Mirrors in the comments; the ending left Marla kind of pissed...)
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